23 January 2015







其一,根据雷军自己最近公布的数据,小米在2014年总共卖出了6112万台手机,在国内销量排名第一。呃,好吧,你见过这么大人群数量的“发烧友团体” 么?完全就是街机好吧;其二,看小米目前的产品,几乎和所谓的前沿搭不上任何的关系,最好的配置?没有吧!最大胆的创新?也没有吧!最高精尖的技术?更谈 不上吧!曾经看到一条关于红米2的评论,“配置是三年前的,价格是半年前的,营销是期货式的,还没拿到手就要淘汰了”~


这种感觉就像是很多我们所认识的国际大牌,在真相大白的那一刻,大家才明白他们在国外其实都是一件再正常不过的普通产品。最明显的比如,一些男生所喜欢的 CK内裤,原本就是国外的一个非常普通的品牌,被中国的男人穿上后,似乎可以给他的下半身都带来“持久的动力”;再比如,宜家家居,在国外只是一个简单、 快捷的家居品牌,在国内购买宜家却成了不得不晒的小资产品……小米只不过是在没有留洋经历的情况下,同样给一些人制造了一个发烧友的概念。


就像在我所处的小县城,大家根本不知道什么是BAT,也不关注每天互联网有哪些变化,但由于小米在初期没有更好用的安卓机时代在所积累的口碑——MIUI 在2011年确实是最好用的安卓手机操作界面,1999元的价格也打动了很多想从诺基亚调到先进智能机的用户——使得大家到现在还觉得,Yeah,小米太 牛逼了,做的东西就是牛。由于信息认知的落差,原本一条新闻消息在一些地方被解读为深度评论,进而产生了信息认知上的落差。再加上原本信息获取的贫乏,就 会让很多人陷入了“共振”行为而不可自拔。即如果大家都觉得小米好,你觉得不好,那么你就是个另类,尤其是在小圈子内,这种共振行为所带来的影响异常严 重,即使知道有更好用的手机出来之时,为了大家振在同一个频率,仍然会执拗的认为,小米确实是最好的,“我买了小米手机就是发烧友了”。

但实际上,小米手机只是一个你所臆想出来的“达芬奇”罢了!你在以为你买到中国版“iPhone”的同时,压根没有意识到小米盲目的一味勤奋在创造财富和 荣耀的同时,很多高尚优雅的器官(发烧的情节)早以被其能创造的财富和荣耀的美德给剥夺了!更不会意识到在你享受到“发烧友”称号的时候,在圈外的人早已 觉得这或许是来自越南的“洗剪吹”非主流。



在这其中,大家讨论最多的无外乎于小米Note在“致(chao)敬(xi)”iPhone6 Plus之外,再一次回归了发烧友的行列,小米也在发布会现场专门推出了“发烧到底”标志。很多人对其的解释是,小米Note一改之前1999元的“标 准”报价,将价格提升到了2299元,同时推出的高配版本的Note价格高达3299元。


但好在,想要证明结果也不难。所谓的发烧友除了小众和前沿的特性外,还有死忠的特点,小米发烧友们是不是还会对这款因为看到iPhone6 Plus大卖而推出的产品继续追捧,我们可以等到最后用3299元Note的销售数据来说话!

07 January 2015

The new US$29 Nokia 215 is Microsoft's cheapest internet phone

Nokia always had a reputation for building well-made, affordable handsets that appeal to the hundreds of millions around the world who can’t afford full-fat smartphones — and Microsoft is apparently keen to continue that legacy. Eight months after buying Nokia, the US company has launched the new Nokia 215. It costs just $29 pre-tax and is aimed at emerging markets, offering customers 29 days of battery life on standby, a dual-SIM option, a built-in torch, and FM Radio. There's also a 2.4-inch, 320 x 240 display, a 0.3-megapixel camera, and Bluetooth connectivity. Crucially, however, Microsoft say the 215 is their "most affordable Internet-ready entry-level phone yet," offering the Opera Mini mobile browser and a limited array of pre-installed apps including Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, and Bing Search.

The Nokia 215  won’t be the speediest browsing experience around as it only supports 2G networks. However, as mobile markets in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East continue to develop, consumers will get hungrier for more advanced devices and the 215 is another neat, intermediary phone. Stephen Elop has previously talked about Nokia mobiles as a "feeder system for Lumia," and although he was referring to the now-defunct Nokia X range, Microsoft execs may well still consider internet-connected feature phones as an on-ramp to Windows Phone itself. The 215 will be launching in select markets in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe later this quarter, but there's no plans to launch it in the US.

My Question: Will anyone in Singapore buy this phone for S$40? You may wanna consider budget China Smart Phone cost around US$10-US$15 (S$55-S$65) more with Andriod Dual/Quad Core MTK or Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 processor with 512MB Ram. 

06 January 2015

Original Mi In Ear Earphone Basic

Hear a lot good feedback regarding mi earphone basic so I order one for myself. I was very disappointed after testing the mi earphone basic. The earphone itself was overrated, I was just a very normal basic earphone with not much enhancement on the bass. When you listened with song with base you totally can't feel at all, therefore the enjoyment is not there. 

Comparing to my old creative earphone it totally lose out. My rating for mi earphone basic 1/5, not recommended to buy. There are a lot better earphone out there than mi earphone basic.  

The Unleash Beast Phicomm C230w

A good budget phone you may like or hate. If you don’t know this smartphone well don’t get it, it like a a beast that wait to be unleashed. Once unleashed, it like a fast and furious bullet train that unstoppable to reach it max.  

Let us looked into the detail interior of this phone. A very clean solid workmanship as compare to other budget phone in the market.

The common people complaint about this phone are lagging/clash/hang/reboot/no display/no 2G 3G and auto shut down intentionally. My Phicomm C230w suffered  from one of these condition. I would said it does not fulfill the role as a smartphone but only a basic normal gsm phone. Root/update can resolve the above mentioned problems and issues. It is necessary you root/update to the latest rom. You can find it from here:

JB 4.3.1 Dual/Quad Version: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQncuVS

Phicomm C230w KitKat 4.4.4 Version aka Karbonn Titanium S1 Plus: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJG67H5

P/S: Someone @ XDA port MIUI to Phicomm C230w, here is the file:

Above are some screen shots of Phicomm C230w Antutu Benchmark

Redmi 2

Redmi 1s

Phicomm C230w VS Jiayu F1

Above are some screen shots of Redmi 2, Redmi 1s and Jiayu F1 


Phicomm C230w  Jiayu F1 Redmi 2 Redmi 1s
Front 0.3 MP Secondary Camera 0.3 MP Secondary Camera  2 MP Secondary Camera 1.6 MP Secondary Camera
Display 4.-inch Touchscreen 4-inch Touchscreen 4.7-inch Touchscreen 4.7-inch Touchscreen
Back 2 MP Primary Camera 5 MP Primary Camera 8 MP Primary Camera 8 MP Primary Camera
Screen TFT 800x480p TFT 800x480p IPS 1280x720p IPS 1280x720p
CPU 1.2GHz Quad Core(MSM8610) 1 GHz MTK 6572 Dual Core  1.2 GHz Quad Core
 (MSM 8916)
1.6 GHz Quad Core(MSM 8228)
GPU Adreno 302 Mali 400 MP1 Adreno 306 Adreno 305 
Connectitive Dual Sim (3G 2G) Dual Sim (3G 2G) Dual Sim(4G3G2G) Dual Sim (3G 2G)
Storage Expandable 32 GB Expandable 64 GB Expandable 32 GB Expandable 64 GB
Battery 1500 mAh 2400 mAh 2200 mAh 2000 mAh
ROM/Ram 4GB/512MB 4GB/512MB 8GB/1GB 8GB/1GB
OS Android v4.3.1 (Jelly Bean) OS Android v4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) OS Android v4.4.4 (KitKat) OS Android v4.3.1 (Jelly Bean) OS
Antutu Score 16639 10704 16579 16527

Comparison Phicomm C230w Jiayu F1 Redmi 1 Redmi 1s


Is Phicomm C230w a good buy among the budget phone? My answer is YES base on the above comparison. The price of Phicomm C230w is only one third of Redmi 1s. Furthermore, Phicomm C230w Antutu Score 16639 which is in par with Redmi 2 and  Redmi 1s. What more the OS for phicomm C230w is light as compare to MIUI which more intensive to run. That is why the Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 Quad Core 1.2GHz run more smoothly than the Qualcomm Snapdragon 410/400 Quad Core 1.2/1.6GHz. Last but not least, looking at the pricing and good workmanship hardware, I must say is definitely a good choice to buy.