18 August 2013

Vivo X3T

Today we have some news on yet another smartphone vying for the title of ‘world’s thinnest,’ as we have heard of a specs reveal for this ultra slim phone. There seems to be constant competition about the title of world’s thinnest smartphone right now, and the BBK Vivo X3T has been described as this, even though we’ve heard of even thinner smartphones.

The BBK Vivo X3T is only 5.75mm thick, or should we say thin, but we have already reported on the upcoming Umeox x5 which is said to be only 5.6mm. Either way though the Vivo X3T is incredibly slim, and there are plenty of buyers who admire this in a handset.

Specs of the Vivo X3T include a 1.5GHz MediaTek MT6589T quad-core processor, a 5-inch display with Full HD resolution of 1920 x 1080 and 1GB of RAM. Other specs include an 8-megapixel rear camera and 5-megapixel front-facing camera, and it will launch running Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.

The BBK Vivo X3 has now received certification in China where it will launch on China Mobile on August 22nd. Dimensions of the phone are 143.27mm x 71.03mm x 5.75mm, and it weighs in at 150g. No details of the price have been provided yet. Even if the Vivo X3 claims the title of ‘world’s thinnest smartphone’ on release, it’s likely that it won’t be too long before it loses that title to another device.

 vivo x3智能手机即将于8月22日在北京发布,目前又有该机最新消息传出,配置参数为:1.5GHz主频的MTK6589T处理器,5寸720p屏幕,1G(2G)内存,2000/2600mAh电池……

 作为和vivo x1同系列的手机,处理器方面保持MTK的平台也不奇怪,相比vivo x1s,X3的处理器主频也从1.2G升级到了1.5G,屏幕也变得更大,达到了5寸的主流水平。当然,变化最大的还是属于音频系统,解码芯片从 CS4353升级到了ES9018MK2。
 vivo X1的6.55mm机身曾经风靡一时,虽然此记录被打破,但目前最薄的手机厚度也未突破6mm,而传闻vivo X3将突破此极限,将机身厚度做到5.x mm(有消息称准确的数字是:5.75mm。)。如果vivo X3真的能突破这个极限的话,笔者为这个成绩而惊喜,但还是担心手感会不会受影响,笔者会在拿到vivo X3样机时做出相关试用。

在此前曝光的XStudio系统截图中,可以看到截图的分辨率为1280×720,与X1S的分辨率保持一致,而此前X1S仅对X1的分辨率进行升 级,并未在屏幕尺寸上做文章。作为全新的产品,X3若保留X1S的屏幕尺寸和分辨率,似乎有些说不过去,所以X3的尺寸肯定会比X1大,为了给下代产品留 出升级空间,5.0英寸非常合适。

从vivo X1到X1S来看,X系列对MTK平台非常认可,而X3采用目前量产的MTK最高性能平台MT6589T也是板上钉钉的事。对于MTK平台,很多人都存有 偏见,认为是山寨机平台,其实MTK平台虽然跑分并不出众,但经过优化后系统流畅度依然不错,尤其是低功耗、低发热的优点难以忽视。MT6589T作为联 发科目前最高级的处理器,也是这个夏天最佳的手机处理器:比它性能好的没它功耗发热低;比功耗发热低的没它性能好。尤其是骁龙800、三星5410等处理 器,也绝大多数情况下都因为功耗的问题而不得不降频运行,对于非极客游戏玩家毫无意义。

如果说X3的摄像头保持为800万像素的话,你会不会认为是坑爹?但笔者得到的消息是X3确实采用800万像素摄像头,但会采用CLOSE LOOP闭环式马达,对焦更快,并且支持息屏状态下快速启动相机。而在前置摄像头方面,X3会采用500万像素、88度广角镜头,与XPlay的前置摄像 头相同。

X3的改变不仅停留在硬件方面,同时还对系统进行了大量的优化,内置了一些人性化的功能。根据凤凰数码得到的消息,vivo X3将支持息屏状态下的一些快捷操作,例如手掌拂屏显示时间、电量等,以及刚刚提到的快速打开相机。以上是近期vivo X3被曝光的消息,欢迎大家一起关注vivo x3。